Client:  Biddlist

Project: Redesign, Information Architecture

Time: 3 weeks

Teammates: Xiao Han, Amy Wang

Biddlist is a repository of creative agencies that can be filtered by focus or location. Our team was tasked with redesigning the site to be a fully-filterable, searchable resource for individuals and brands to easily discover consultancies and agencies. The primary objectives defined for this project include: comprehensive filter functionality, login/user profile feature, and the addition of an industry resource page. Information architecture and content strategy would be as much as a focus as design in order to turn this basic website into a user-friendly resource for the 21st century.

Site Analysis

Site analyses were conducted of the old website to validate original objectives and determine user needs for the redesign. Methods such as heuristic analysis, user journey mapping, and user flows helped us pinpoint the main areas of opportunity.  From our heuristic analysis we found the site fell short in Findability, Clarity, Communication, Credibility, Control, and Delight. The lack of functionality led users to leave the site with little to no interaction. 

Information Architecture

Competitive Search Analysis

With filtering being the primary need, the majority of the time was spent on information architecture. Over 15 competitor sites were analyzed, and the most common filters included location, company size, industry expertise, types of service, and keyword search. Through card sorting and user interviews, we validated that users search by these criteria in addition to company affiliation - holding company versus privately held. 

Use Cases

Over 20 user interviews were conducted. Biddlist does not currently have a main user base, therefore interviews were conducted with target audiences defined: Job Seekers (primary), Companies Seeking Agencies (secondary), and Agency Representatives (secondary). From these interviews, we developed over 4 personas and their corresponding use cases that influenced our design.. 

When I am searching for agencies, I want to be able to filter by location, so I can narrow my job search for companies that are closest.

When I am searching for agency services, I want to be able to see work examples, so I can determine whether the agency’s aesthetics fit my needs.

When I’ve discovered an agency of interest, I want to see how I’m connected through my network, so I can reach out with a warm introduction.

When I am pitching our agency, I want to get the point across that we specialize in niche industries and services, so there is a better chance of us winning the work.


Features were prioritized based on persona needs. Methods such as affinity mapping helped us determine trends. All of our research pointed to the incorporation of:

  • Site Description
  • Search Filters / Search Bar
  • LinkedIn Integration
  • Featured Content / Agencies
  • Signup Incentive 
  • Detailed Agency Profiles
  • Recommended Agencies

Previous discussions with the client hinted to additional features, however it was important that we develop a strong minimum viable product before rolling out more advanced features. In order to express this while also keeping client wants in mind, we created a site map that also incorporated short-term and long-term features. This document was successful in aligning the client with user needs. 


From user research, we found that Homepage content is key — it is the first page users interact with and it decides whether or not they stay or bounce. We went through 4 iterations to further clarify site purpose as users were still having issues grasping the connection between Biddlist and agency search. 

On the Agency List Page, usability tests unveiled issues with iconography. From our interviews, users expressed a need for quickly saving agencies they were interested in. However, hearts and stars signified "favorites", whereas users only wanted to save the agency versus "liking" it. We resolved this issue with a bookmark icon and help text.

The original site flow took users away from Biddlist once they found an agency; there was no content related to the agencies listed. To provide users with the content desired as well as further help with SEO, we developed the Agency Profile Page. These profile pages would give users a snapshot of what the agency is about, including description, services, industry expertise, and work examples. 


The final prototype presented demonstrates how a user would interact with Biddlist when landing on the site for the first time. We conducted a final user journey with this prototype and found our design to be successful with the targeted user base, expressing enthusiasm for this resource.  

Prototype made in InVision.